Manage your dates via “My Dates”

Here you can find out how the date manager “My Dates” works and what options you have to manage your dates in a quick and easy way.

  1. Get an overview of your dates
  2. Adjust the number of tickets available
  3. Deactivate dates

Get an overview of your dates

Under “My dates” you will find a general overview of the dates that you offer for all your courses. You can, of course, filter by your courses and by date to find a specific date.

The date manager provides you with the following information:

Which dates can currently be booked?

  • Are the dates still active Minimum Advance
    The lead time determines the time until which your dates can be booked so that you have enough time to plan your courses. For example, if you need 3 days in advance to prepare the course, you can set a minimum advance of 3 days. After this time, the date is automatically deactivated and can no longer be booked.
  • Have you deactivated the dates manually?
    You can also deactivate dates manually by unchecking the box in the “Enabled” column. The dates are now no longer bookable.

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What type of date is a date?

Find out everything you need to know about the different types of dates here.

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What is the capacity of your dates?

How many tickets have already been booked and how many tickets are still available?
For example: 3 tickets have already been sold, and 15 tickets are still available.

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Adjust the available number of tickets

If you also sell your tickets via other channels (on site, your own website, other platforms), you can easily adjust the available number of tickets per event via the date manager and increase or decrease the number of tickets so that the event is not overbooked.

To do this, use the arrow icons (up and down) next to the number of tickets, and then save your changes.

Deactivate dates

If you do not want to receive any more bookings for a date, you can deactivate the date via the date manager. To do this, simply remove the checkmark in the “Enabled” column by clicking on the checkmark.

Of course, you can also reactivate dates in this way.

Don't forget to save your changes.

If you have to cancel a date, please deactivate the date and follow the procedure for rebooking and canceling.