How to manage rebookings and cancelations

Here you can find out how to proceed if you have to reschedule or cancel a course.

The following process only applies to direct sales via the konfetti website! For sales via our Private Event Sales Team, other cancellation terms apply.

💡 The communication with the customer is handled by you, the official rebooking of the ticket can only be done by us. 

If you are unable to run a course, first offer the customer a rebooking to another date if you can offer further dates.

If you do not have any other dates for the course or the customer is unable to attend the alternative dates, we will be happy to communicate with the customer.

We initially offer to transfer the money as a credit to the customer's konfetti account. Only as a last option will we refund the money completely.

Please note that we will retain the commission if you cancel, as our work has already been done.

💡 The customer has no right to cancel the ticket, they can only request a rebooking (e.g. in the case of illness). It depends on the goodwill of the partner whether this rebooking is approved. It is therefore up to you to decide whether or not to approve the rebooking. 

How to manage a rebooking

  1. Go to "My Sales" in the partner portal.
    (You can find out how to check your orders here).
  2. Open the order you want to rebook by clicking on “View Order Details”.

  3. Move the slider for “ Do you want to rebook this class?” to Yes. 
    This is important because it pauses the payment until the course has been completed.

    order rebooking

  4. Inform the customer via email about the postponement of the course and offer possible alternative dates. 
  5. As soon as you have agreed on a new date with the customer, contact us at, and we will rebook the customer to the desired date. 
  6. The official rebooking in the system ensures that you are invoiced correctly. In addition, the customer receives an updated ticket so that they can prove their booking when attending the course. 

Cancel a course

  1. If you cannot offer a rebooking, follow steps 1-3 as for a rebooking and move the “ Do you want to rebook this class?” slider in the order to Yes.
  2. Then inform us via e-mail that you are unable to take the course and that a rebooking is not possible. We'll take care of the cancellation with the customer.
  3. Deactivate the date in the date manager so that you do not receive any further bookings for this date. You can find out how to deactivate dates here. 

💡 Please do not offer the customer a refund immediately. We will first try to offer rebookings or transfer the money as a credit to the customer's konfetti account. Only as a last option will we refund the money completely. 

❗ Please note that we will retain the commission in the case of a cancelation, as our work has already been done.