New feature for mobile courses

Offer your courses both at your location and at the customer's location.

If you run your course not only at your location, but also at the customer's location, you can now make this setting for your courses.

The customer then chooses directly when requesting a date whether the course should take place at your location or at their location.


You can make this setting as follows: 

  1. In your partner account, go to “My classes” via the left side menu.
  2. Open the respective event via the “Edit” field and go to step 1 “General” of the course editing.
  3. Scroll down the page almost to the bottom to the section “I also offer classes to the customer's address”.
  4. Set the slider to “Yes”.
  5. In the field, enter the maximum number of kilometers the customer may be located so that there are no additional costs on top of the course price. 

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  6. Save your changes. They will be applied directly to the website.