What is the current course status?

Here you can find all the information about the course status and how you can publish and delete courses.

What course statuses are there and what do they mean?

You can find the course status in the top right corner of the course editing screen. 

Simply go to “My Classes” and select your course for editing. 


When you start creating your course, the status is preset to “Draft”. Your course should remain here as long as you are editing it. You can, for example, continue editing it later.

❗ Don't forget to save after each step!

As long as your course is saved as a draft, we will not publish it.

Published (after approval)

Once you have finished editing the course and saved it, your course will be published.

It will first appear in our system for review and approval. We pay particular attention to SEO optimization here.
We check the courses daily so that your course is published as quickly as possible and can be booked by customers. 


If you no longer wish to offer your course, you can set the status to “Canceled”. The course will now also appear for review, and we will take it offline. The course is no longer available on the website and can no longer be booked. 

💡 Please note: if you only want to cancel a single date, you do not have to change the course status, but can simply deactivate this date via course editing or the date manager.