A good event not only needs a good description, but also fitting and appealing pictures. In this article, you will find helpful tips and tricks and find out what to look out for in your images.
- Uploading images to your gallery
- Layout of the image gallery
- Set main image, side gallery and attachment
- Arrange images in the gallery
- Technical requirements
- Ethical guidelines
Uploading images to your gallery
- Go to step 5 - Gallery in your course editing (under "My Classes").
- Select at least five images that you would like to view on the course page.
- You must select a main image and can choose four images for the side gallery. Further pictures are shown in the gallery attachment.
- You can upload a maximum of 10 images (max. 5 MB).
- Below you will find the technical requirements and ethical guidelines for your images.
- You can also upload a video to your gallery to give potential customers the best possible insight into your course.
Layout of the image gallery
Set main image, side gallery and attachment
The main image is shown in the large main tile on your course page and in the course search in the course overview. You can select one main image.
❗If you upload several courses, make sure that each course has a different main image.
The four side gallery images are also featured in the gallery view on your course page. You can set four images as side gallery images.
If you upload more images (up to 10 in total), the images will be added to the gallery attachment.
💡 You can set the main image and the side gallery via the drop-down menu below the images.
Arrange images in the gallery
You can, of course, flexibly arrange the images in your course gallery. You can do this by using the arrows at the left and right of the images.
Technical requirements
- Maximum size of an image: 5 MB
- JPEG or PNG file format
- Landscape format with an aspect ratio of 4:3
- No portrait formats, as these are not displayed correctly on the website
- No watermarks or embedded logos.
- No stock photos, choose real photos from your courses instead
👉 Pro tip: To check the size of your photos, right-click on the file and select “Properties”. Photos that are smaller than 1024x 768 appear pixelated.
1. Gallery Images
The images should be horizontal and can be cropped.
Only use photos. No graphics should be inserted into the images. Your logo will be visible in another area of the page.
Do not use filters, black and white images or blurred images.
Show a variety of pictures in the event gallery, from different perspectives and experiences.
👉 Good pictures of your courses can look like this: All participants before the workshop starts; a person “crafting” during the course; the final product of the course; a picture from above showing the materials; a perspective picture of a special detail and a funny picture from the end of the workshop.
The best photos are not posed and appear natural and authentic. If more than one person is shown, the picture looks more appealing.
2. Thumbnail images
Thumbnail images are the images that you can see on the start page and in the konfetti search before you open the event. These images serve as a calling card for your event. It is therefore important that they capture the whole experience.
If the image does not answer the questions “Who”, “Where” and “What”, you should rather use another image as the cover picture. High quality is recommended for this image, but good iPhone photos can also do the job. The important thing is to engage the customer and choose photos that participants will enjoy. If there is an end product in the course, it is important that it is visible in the picture, but not the center of attention.
👉 If you publish several courses, make sure that you choose a different thumbnail image for each course.
The thumbnail should show participants, the experience in the course and not just the final product.
The thumbnail should not only be a graphic (e.g. a drawing or a painting), but should also show people and the course/workshop location or the course instructor.
3. Profile picture
Your profile picture does not have to be a special picture. The important thing is that the customer knows who you are. Overall, it would be helpful to write something about yourself or your company, e.g. how you learned your profession, a personal note about your other hobbies or something about your craft and your teaching activities.
💡 Can I also use non-licensed images from other platforms?
Yes, that is possible. Ideally, however, the images should be your own. The photos should show what your course is about and what is done there, what the end product is and how people handle the materials and other things. This is more authentic and shows potential customers how great your course is.
Ethical guidelines
- Alcohol may only be served by adults and as part of the course (e.g. cocktail courses)
- No sexually explicit images or images of illegal activities
- Racist content or images are prohibited
- No mistreatment of pets or other living creatures
- No political content