A good partner profile shows the customer who you are and what kind of events you offer. It is therefore important that you summarize all the important information about yourself in a short text.
Step 1: Log in to your account
Log in to your partner portal here. If you want to log in for the first time, you first have to reset your password via “Forgot your password?". Of course, you can also do this at any time if you have forgotten your password.
You can access your user settings and set up your account via the gear wheel at the top right of your profile.
You can change your password and e-mail address at any time in “User settings”.
Please use your real name in this area and not the name of your company.
Step 2: Edit your profile and set up your account
In "Account setup", you enter all the information that is relevant to you and your events.
Your account will be created by us as part of your onboarding, so your account settings are already pre-filled. You can of course change these at any time:
- Brand Name:
Enter the name of your company and make sure that your brand name is mentioned several times in your profile description. - Website:
Insert your website URL. If you do not have a website, the field can be left empty. You can add links to your social media profiles at the bottom of the page. - Email:
Enter an email address that you actively use so that we can contact you with new information. - Phone:
Enter a phone number where we can best reach you.
Page title:
The page title appears as the title of your partner page. Mention the name of your company and the type of courses/workshops you offer,
e.g., konfetti Ceramic: Pottery courses. -
Enter the address of your company or the address where your workshops take place. - Main language:
The default setting is always “German” as the main language. You can change this to English via the drop-down menu. Set your main language here. You must now create your courses exclusively in your main language. We will automatically translate the content into the other language on the website.
You can find out everything you need to know about this feature here.
Description of your profile:
Add a description for your partner page and introduce yourself and your courses and events to attract the interest of potential customers.
There is a long description that appears on your partner page and a short description that is shown on each of your course pages.
Write everything in the first person.
Write a maximum of 500 words in the long description and a maximum of 300 words in the short description.
Upload a good quality image of yourself that represents you and your company well. Please note the following guidelines:
The minimum size for each image (thumbnail and gallery) is 1024 × 768 pixels (PX), 72 DPI
JPEG or PNG file format
No watermarks or embedded logos
No stock photos
Step 3: Enter your invoice and financial data
To make sure all the information for your first payment is available, enter your invoice data and tax and financial data in the “Invoice and Financial” section.
You will be paid at the beginning of the month following the month the workshop took place. We charge a commission of 23.8 % on the gross sales price.
You can find more information about our packages and prices here.