Our booking solution for your social media channels

Here you can find out how to implement the booking solution on Google My Business, Instagram and Facebook.

  1. Google My Business
  2. Instagram 
  3. Facebook

*If the booking solution has not yet been activated, you can inform your account manager by e-mail that the booking solution should be activated or book a short intro to the booking solution via the button Contact sales. Here you receive all the necessary information about the booking solution.

Sell your konfetti tickets via Google My Business

  1. Go to your business profile on Google Maps.
  2. Click on Edit in your Google Maps profile.
  3. Here you can select Booking or Pick-up and delivery depending on your company profile.
  4. Enter the URL of your booking solution* here.
  5. Click on Save

Sell your konfetti tickets via Instagram

  1. Open the Instagram app on your mobile phone.
  2. Select your profile at the bottom of the taskbar.
  3. Click on Edit under your name.
  4. Under links you can select “Add links”.
  5. You can add the URL of your booking solution* using the button “+ Add external link”.
  6. As title you can enter e.g., Book courses/ workshops.
  7. To finish, click on Done.

Sell your konfetti tickets via Facebook 

  1. Log in to Facebook with your company profile.
  2. Go to your personal settings.
  3. Click on Contact information and general info.
  4. Under Websites and Social, you can insert the URL of your booking solution*.
  5. Click on Save to finish.


💡 If you want to find out more about the advantages and types of the konfetti booking solution, check out this article.