New: Add-ons for your courses

Customers can now book additional services for your course with just one click.

With our new feature, you can add add-ons, i.e., additional services, to your course and no longer have to create multiple courses for different course packages. Customers can then simply book the add-ons on your course page. 


  • A food pairing for a wine tasting
  • Drinks with a cooking course
  • A brewery tour for a beer tasting
  • An extension package


Create add-ons 

Via the “Add-ons” menu item in the side menu

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  1. In your partner account, you will find the “Add-ons” tab in the left side menu.
  2. Click on the “+ Create add-on” button.
  3. Specify whether the service should be bookable for public and/ or group dates. 
    ❗Consider here whether the service can only be booked for the entire group (only possible for group dates) or also for individual people in the course. 
  4. Define the title for this add-on and enter a description of what the add-on includes.
  5. Select the add-on type from the drop-down menu, e.g., drinks, food pairing etc. 
  6. Set the gross price for this additional service.
  7. Define the minimum number of people for whom this add-on must be booked. 
  8. Select the course to which the service can be added. You can also select multiple courses. 
  9. Lastly, you can upload a product image to match the service.
  10. Change the status to “Published” as soon as you have finished editing. 
  11. Don't forget to save :) The add-on is now published and can be booked.
    You can also deactivate add-ons at any time if required.

Via the Course creation

  1. In your partner account, go to “My Classes” in the left side menu. 
  2. Open the respective course via the “Edit” button on the right-hand side. 
  3. Go to step 3 “Information Summary” of the course editing. If you cannot click on it directly, you can click on “Save and continue” to go to step 3. 
  4. Set the toggle for “Do you wish to offer and add-on products?” to “Yes” and click on “Create your add-on”.

  5. Follow steps 3 to 11 above to create your add-on. 

Don't forget to adjust the description or structure of your courses if necessary. Here you can find out how to edit your courses.