Marketing activities to increase your target audience

To increase your reach, we offer you the option of a marketing collaboration with konfetti. Find out how exactly this can work here.

  1. Our konfetti Magazine
  2. Instagram

Our konfetti Magazine

In our konfetti magazine, you and our customers can expect exciting and informative articles on topics related to the workshops and courses on our platform. We generally choose informative topics or DIY ideas that we can use to build a link to your courses.

We want to give our partners the opportunity to write their own articles and share their expert knowledge, for example:

Your benefits: 

  • We link to your courses
  • The visibility of your courses increases and sales are boosted
  • You establish yourself as an expert in the magazine
  • We support you with your article and with the translation to German

You would like to write a magazine article and publish it on konfetti?

  • Write an e-mail to
  • You are welcome to suggest topics for a magazine article.
  • Our marketing team will use a Google search analysis to help you with suggestions for topics that are relevant to the magazine and our customers.
  • Once the topic has been agreed, you will receive a few questions on the topic, which you answer and, if necessary, complement with your own ideas.
  • Our marketing team will then optimize the article for search engines and publish it online 🎉.


Textblock mit rechtsbündigem Handy-Mock-up

We also give our customers inspiration and tips for the courses & workshops on our platform and introduce our partners on our Instagram channel @gokonfetti

In an Instagram reel, you can introduce yourself and your course and give customers a little insight into what they can expect in your courses. 

For example:

Interested in an Instagram Reel collaboration?

  • Write an email to
  • Send us either a finished video or several video sequences that give an insight into your course.
  • Important: The video sequences must be in portrait format!
  • Our team will be happy to support you and edit a reel from your video sequences.
  • The finished reel will be posted on our Instagram channel. We will link you as a co-author so that the reel is also posted on your Instagram channel.